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It’s no secret that energy costs can be quite expensive. With the ever-increasing cost of living and the increasing cost of energy, it only makes sense that you want to try to lower your energy consumption.
The good news is you can lower your energy bills by using a few simple tips and tricks. By following these simple suggestions, you can aim for low energy bills while still enjoying all the luxuries of modern living.

Get an Energy Audit
An energy audit should be performed by a licensed professional who is experienced in performing energy audits. They’ll inspect your home and property to find problem areas that need improvement.
The audit will help find air leaks, and windows that are not sealed properly, and check for poor insulation. The audit will also confirm how you have been using energy in your home.
The auditor will then recommend ways to help make your home more energy efficient.

Here are items you can adjust on your own:

Make Sure Your Home is Insulated
Insulation is often overlooked when keeping a house cool and comfortable. But it plays a key role in keeping heat inside or outside as necessary.
It works by trapping air in the spaces between fibers. This helps prevent heat loss through conduction and reduces heat transfer through convection.
The effectiveness of insulation depends on its thickness, composition, and quality. The type of insulation used in your home depends on its location, climate, and age.
Insulate Your Water Heater

An uninsulated hot water tank will lose heat in two ways:

Heat loss from the outside of the tank. The tank itself is an insulated box, but it’s surrounded by an uninsulated shell that can be several inches thick. This shell conducts heat from inside the tank to outside, where it’s lost to the environment.

Heat loss from inside the tank. Water doesn’t stay at one temperature for long; it cools down as it flows through your pipes and then re-heats as it sits in your hot water tank waiting to be used. If you have an uninsulated hot water tank, this heat loss can add up fast and cost you big money in monthly energy bills.

You can find insulation jackets for your water heater at most local hardware stores.

Use Appliances During Off-Peak Hours
Off-peak hours are the times when there is less demand for electricity. This is usually in the evenings and early mornings. During these times, your electricity provider reduces the cost of the energy it provides for businesses and homes. This means that you will pay less for your electricity, so doing your washing at night is a money-saver!

Change Your Air Filter
When the air filter in your HVAC system becomes clogged with dirt and dust, it restricts airflow and reduces efficiency. This leads to higher utility bills and poor indoor air quality.
Dirty filters also cause premature wear on motors and other components in your heating or cooling system, which increases HVAC maintenance costs and shortens the lifespan of your equipment.

Lower the Settings on Your Thermostat
Set the thermostat back by one or two degrees. This small adjustment can save you up to 10% on your energy bill.

If you can, get a smart programmable thermostat. You can program to a consistent temperature that is ideal for you and avoid temperature fluctuations that can cause your usage to increase. And if the weather suddenly changes, you can adjust the temperature while you’re away from home.

Landscape for Shade
A shade garden is any type of landscaping that offers shade on the ground level, usually from trees or shrubs. They’re a great way to reduce your energy costs because you won’t need to use your air-conditioning as much. And they can even increase your home’s curb appeal.

Replace Your Showerhead
Shower heads are one of the easiest places to cut corners in energy use, and they don’t take much time or effort to change. The most efficient shower heads are low-flow and high-pressure, which means they use less water, meaning low energy bills.

Use LED Light Bulbs
LED lights are more efficient than traditional incandescent, halogen, or fluorescent bulbs, meaning they use less electricity, saving you money. And they last longer than other bulbs, so you won’t have to buy replacements as often.

Make Sure to Get HVAC Maintenance and Tune-Ups
An HVAC tune-up is one of the easiest ways to save money on your energy bills. A professional will thoroughly inspect your heating and cooling system, perform routine maintenance, and offer recommendations to help keep your bill down.

Need HVAC maintenance? Get affordable HVAC care with the professionals at JW Plumbing, Heating and Air.

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