As the summer turns to fall, you may need to turn the thermostat up and use more energy to stay warm. And that generally means higher energy bills. But there are other ways to keep warm this fall and winter while also benefiting from a lower electric bill. Here are our top winter-warming energy-saving tips.

Open Curtains During the Day to let in Warmth and Light
The sun is an excellent source of heat, and it’s free! Take advantage of this by opening your curtains during the day to let the sun heat your home.
Of course, you’ll need to close them at night to prevent the heat from escaping as the temperature outside cools down. Just be sure the curtains are drawn at sundown

Lower Your Electric Bill by Investing in a Smart Thermostat
Efficiency is the name of the game when it comes to smart thermostats. They’re designed to save energy by adjusting the temperature in your home based on occupancy. According to Energy Star, a programmable thermostat can save you as much as 8% on your energy bills.
The good news is that smart thermostats are easy to install and control, and you can adjust the settings using an app on your phone. So, wherever you are, you can adjust the temperature in your home and lower your electric bill.

Save Energy by Running Your Appliances During Off-Peak Hours
Off-peak hours are the most economical times to run your appliances. Operating certain appliances at night also makes sense because the electricity demands are lower at night than during the day.
Another way to save on your electric bill is to turn off appliances, and lights are turned off when they’re not being used.

Place Rugs Over Hardwood or Concrete Floors
Hardwood floors look beautiful, but they’re not exactly known for being energy efficient. They’re prone to drafts and are difficult to heat evenly.
Rugs help insulate your flooring, keeping the temperature in your home warm even when it gets cold outside. What’s more, a soft rug is much kinder to your feet – no more hopping around on cold concrete or hardwood floors.

Warm Yourself Up by Layering Up
It’s time to find some snuggly sweaters, thick socks, and other winter clothing to keep you warm. Wear loose-fitting clothing made from natural fibers such as cotton or wool. It’s a good idea to dress in layers for maximal versatility – you can remove layers when the temperature rises and add them when it gets colder.

Routinely Change Your Air Filters
Regularly changing your air filter is one of the easiest ways to save money on your energy bill. It’s also a great way to keep your system running at peak efficiency.
HVAC filters are designed to remove dirt and contaminants from the air before it passes through your heating and cooling system. If you don’t replace them regularly, your system must work harder – meaning higher bills.

Schedule Regular Furnace Maintenance
If you want to save money on electric bills, one of the best things you can do is schedule regular furnace maintenance. Regular furnace maintenance doesn’t just keep your system running smoothly — it also helps prevent expensive repairs down the road. A professional technician will spot potential problems before they become serious issues.

We recommend two tune-ups per year. Once in the spring just before it’s time to run the AC and once in the fall at the start of the colder season.

Get Rid of Phantom Loads
Phantom loads are small, unnoticed drains on your energy bill. Unfortunately, they’re found in almost every home and business, costing you money.
Phantom loads are so-called because they’re hard to see — like the “ghosts” of electricity consumption. These appliances and devices draw power even when turned off or unused – televisions, laptops, and phone chargers are typical phantom loads.

Seal Air Gaps Around Windows and Pipes to Keep Warm Air in and Cold Air Out
Sealing air leaks is one of the easiest and least expensive ways to reduce energy bills. Fill gaps between the wall and window frame with caulk or foam insulation. The gap size will determine what material to use—but always follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Ditch Hot Water for Cold Water
Washing machines use a lot of energy to heat the water in your laundry loads. Switching to cold means saving energy that would otherwise be used to heat the hot water. Washing with cold water will keep your clothes fresh and clean while saving on your bills.

Reset Your Water Heater
Adjusting the temperature setting on your current water heater is easy. It also doesn’t require any major changes to how you use hot water in your home. You just need to turn down your thermostat by about 10 degrees and wait a little longer for the water to heat up.

Don’t feel chilly through another Los Angeles fall and winter. Speak to a JW Plumbing, Heating and Air expert about keeping your home warm.

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