Have you ever wondered how will your home AC last? An air conditioner’s lifespan will vary based on several factors such as wear, and tear, weather, and location.
Unfortunately, air conditioners don’t last forever. Depending on how much the homeowner keeps up with maintenance, a standard air conditioner can last between 10 and 15 years. Unfortunately, no matter how well you take care of your AC, it will deteriorate over time.

If your air conditioner is making strange noises or beginning to show signs of wear and tear, it might be time for some air conditioning maintenance.

Elongate the Life Span of Your Air Conditioning Unit with These Simple Maintenance Tips
Book Regular Tune-Ups
Keeping a check on your air conditioning unit is the best way to keep it running smoothly.
Most homes use their air conditioning units most in the summer months, so maintenance checks in Spring and at the end of the summer are the best times to book your tune-ups.

Allow the Air Conditioner to Rest
Think of your air conditioner as you would a car: You wouldn’t drive it for 24 hours a day, every day, for years. Instead, you’d want to give it a break, some time to rest and recover, so it doesn’t burn out.
Air conditioners are hardworking appliances. They tend to run 24/7 when the weather is hot, so give your air conditioner a break and turn it off when you’re not home.
Turning the unit off allows the system to rest while also saving you money.

Change the Air Filters Regularly
A dirty air filter can stop the system from working correctly. When the filter is dirty or clogged, it reduces the amount of cool air that passes through the system while increasing its energy consumption.
Checking your air conditioning system’s air filter is easy. In most cases, it just involves checking a slot or opening on your thermostat housing or unit.

At JW Plumbing, Heating and Air, we recommend changing your air filter twice per year. Once before you turn on the AC in the spring, and once in the fall before it’s time to start up the furnace.

Keep the Condenser Clear of Debris
Airflow is crucial for the efficient operation of an air conditioning system, so be sure to keep the condenser free from debris, leaves, and grass clippings.
Remember to trim plants at least two feet away from the outdoor unit. Ensure there is plenty of clearance around the entire area for air to circulate — about three or four feet on all sides, including above the unit.

How Do You Know if It’s Time to Replace Your Air Conditioning Unit?
Even the best-maintained air conditioners will break down. However, if you notice any of these signs, it might be time to upgrade your air conditioner to a new system.

You Notice a Rise in Your Energy Bills
If your energy bills are sky-high and increasing, it’s a good indication that your AC unit is on its last legs. Failing parts, like motors and capacitors, can lead to the unit using more energy.
Older units require more energy to operate and are less efficient than newer models. While the cost difference of installing a new unit might seem high at first, the savings in energy costs will help the new unit pay for itself in the long run.

Newer models are more energy-efficient and can help you save up to 40% on cooling costs.
Repairs Become More and More Frequent
If you’re constantly calling your local A/C repairman to come to fix your unit, the cost of repairs can add up to more than the cost of a new unit.

Air conditioning units don’t last forever. If yours is older than 12-15 years, it’s not going to run as smoothly as it used to. So, if it’s making strange sounds or smells or completely stopped working, don’t waste money on repairing an old unit; it’s time to replace it with a new one.

Your Home Is Humid Even with the Air Conditioning Switched On
If you’re running your air conditioning but still feel uncomfortably warm and sticky, there’s a good chance it’s time to replace it. Air conditioners should remove humidity, not just lower the temperature.
Humidity can raise the risk of mold growth, so it’s essential to have your air conditioner replaced or repaired.

You Have an Older Air Conditioning Unit That Still Uses R-22 Freon
The US has banned the import and production of R-22 Freon — a refrigerant often used in air conditioning units. Older units (units installed before 2010) generally contain R-22 Freon.
If your air conditioner contains R-22 Freon, don’t panic. You don’t need to rush to get rid of it. However, the costs of repairs are rising due to the scarcity of R-22 Freon. Most air conditioning units containing R-22 Freon are now over 10 years old, so are likely to need replacing anyway. Equally, the cost of a new system is likely to be cheaper than paying for repairs to R-22 Freon units.

Need more information about air conditioners? Book an appointment with the experts at JW Plumbing, Heating and Air today.

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