One of the joys of spring is opening your windows on a warm night to let the fresh air in. But if you have seasonal allergies, all the dust and pollen can make this experience unpleasant.
Instead of sneezing and cleaning dust all spring, use these tips to reduce home dust with your HVAC system.

What Causes Home Dust?
Homes gather dust no matter what. Even if you have areas of your home that you barely use, you’ll still notice dust buildup over time. But where does it come from?
Dust is an accumulation of dead skin cells, bits of insects, pollen, pet dander, and household dirt. As it accumulates, it can irritate your allergies or other respiratory conditions, along with making your home dusty and dirty.
If you want to keep your home clean and cut back on the dust buildup, it’s best to prevent it from the start.

How to Reduce Home Dust
No matter how often you clean, you’ll still have dust. Instead of spending all your time cleaning, rely on your HVAC system to prevent dust from building up on your furniture and surfaces with these simple steps:
Replace Your Air Filters
One of the easiest ways to keep the dust levels in your home low is by regularly replacing your HVAC air filters. This is what your air filter is designed to do – filter out dirt, dust, and dander to keep your home’s air cleaner.
There are plenty of options for your HVAC filter, ranging from filters that work for the average home to filters that clear out the smallest particles for people with allergies or respiratory conditions.
The filter’s MERV rating determines whether you have the filter you need. If it’s below 4, it may not trap smaller dust particles. Filters with a MERV rating above 13 get all the small particles, but they consume a lot of energy. These are usually reserved for commercial or specialized places like large office buildings or hospitals.

Changing your air filter regularly can reduce the dust buildup, but the more dust your home has, the harder your HVAC system has to work – and the more wear and tear it takes. Keeping up with filter changes is just one part of the equation.

Use the HVAC Fan While Cleaning
Air filters help remove dust in the air, but what about the dust on your floors or furniture?
You can cut back on your home’s dust by turning on your HVAC fan while cleaning up. The dust that ends up in the air while you’re wiping down your furniture will get into your air filter, leaving less that can settle on surfaces.

Inspect Your Air Ducts
If you notice dust around your home, you can only imagine what’s ending up inside your air ducts.
If you don’t have your ducts professionally cleaned, a lot of dust may have accumulated. Over time, this causes your system to work harder and harms its efficiency. In addition, a duct system that’s full of dust will end up blowing it back into the air when it’s heating or cooling.
Scheduling regular duct cleanings is a good way to reduce the dust in your home’s air and keep your HVAC system working at optimal efficiency.

Clean Air Vent Registers
Whether dust is coming from the ducts or settling in the vent from the air, the vent registers are a good place to see the buildup.
Fortunately, this is a simple fix. Just wipe down your air vents once a week, or even once every two weeks, to keep the dust at bay. Add it to your regular cleaning routine.

Install an Electric Air Cleaner
If you want your air to be even cleaner, an electric air cleaner can be added to your HVAC system to filter out the microscopic particles from the air.
These devices use electricity to draw in the dust particles, trapping not only dust but mold, viruses, and bacteria. This is a good choice if you have seasonal allergies or respiratory conditions that are bothered by poor air quality.
If you have anyone immunocompromised in your home, this is a must to reduce the risk of pathogens in the air from building up and causing problems.

Book a Routine HVAC Inspection and Tune Up
Your HVAC system is one of the most complex systems in your home, and it works hard all year to keep your home comfortable. Scheduling a regular HVAC tune-up is an important part of preventative maintenance to protect your investment.
When your HVAC system is running its best, it plays an important role in keeping your home free of dust, allergens, pollutants, and other contaminants that can affect your health.
Looking to schedule an HVAC tune-up? Contact the pros at JW Plumbing, Heating and Air today!

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