Going green and reducing your carbon footprint does not have to overextend your budget or drastically invade your lifestyle. With a few tips and tricks, learn how to make your home more energy-efficient while doing your part to lend a hand in helping the environment.

Lower Your Home’s Thermostat
Lowering the thermostat in your house can drastically reduce the amount of energy you and your household use each month. Rather than cranking up the heat or air conditioning, consider using fans and opening windows to create a cross-breeze during the warm summer months. During the winter, spend time sealing doors and windows to eliminate or reduce drafts while bundling up to cut back on heating costs and unnecessary energy usage.

Unplug Electronics
Contrary to popular belief, electronics still utilize power even if they are turned off as long as the item itself is plugged into an electrical source. Remain mindful at all times of electronics that may be racking up your electric bill, even when they are not in use. Additionally, consider downgrading electronics to help cut costs on electricity. If you are using desktop computers, consider swapping them for smaller laptops that can also rely on battery power while in use at most times.

Upgrade Your Home Appliances and HVAC Systems
Upgrading home appliances and your current HVAC system is one of the best ways to make your home more energy-efficient. Consider energy-efficient dishwashers, stove units, and refrigerators to measurably reduce energy costs and waste. Properly maintaining, updating, and replacing parts of your heating and cooling systems annually is also a way to help make your house more energy-efficient while saving money long-term.

Turn to the Professionals
If you are currently living in Los Angeles, CA, JW Plumbing, Heating and Air can provide you with the professional HVAC services you require in order to extend the lifespan of your systems. With a five-star rating from the BBB and experience servicing the Los Angeles area for more than 13 years, JW Plumbing, Heating and Air can be counted on to get the job done right.

Are you seeking a professional HVAC company that not only delivers traditional heating and cooling services but also indoor air quality, thermostats, and zone system services as well? Call JW Plumbing, Heating and Air today to schedule an appointment.

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