You spend a great deal of time inside your home, and studies have shown that the concentration of allergens and pollutants inside houses can be up to five times what is found outdoors. The effects of poor indoor air quality are worse for those who are elderly, ill, young, or living with medical conditions that require rest. Here are four ways that poor indoor air quality can affect your health.

1. Fatigue
Irritants and pollutants in the air trigger inflammation in the sinuses. You may also develop a sore throat and cough as your body tries to remove the particles from the airway. This immune response makes breathing difficult, and sleep is practically impossible; all the while your body is expending more energy than normal. Eventually, your body will be exhausted.

2. Vulnerability to Illnesses
When your immune system is stressed in the fight against airborne particles in your home, it is unable to defend against the bacteria and viruses that make you sick. If the air quality inside your house is less than ideal, you may get sick more often, and your body may need more time to recover.

3. Low Energy
The combination of poor breathing and immune response results in not having enough energy for even small day-to-day tasks. You may try to rest to restore your energy levels, but the poor air quality inside your home could prevent you from relaxing and sleeping.

4. Poor Quality of Life
When you aren’t feeling well, you just want to get some relief from your symptoms. Poor indoor air quality causes chronic symptoms, so your quality of life will slowly decrease. Your emotional well-being may also suffer, and this will worsen the way you feel.

Rely on the Experts
Improving indoor air quality can be challenging on your own. In the Los Angeles area, rely on the experts at JW Plumbing, Heating and Air. We specialize in heating, cooling, and indoor air quality services. To learn more, contact JW Plumbing, Heating and Air in Los Angeles today.

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